You hit me
I was not prepared
for you
I was not prepared
for so much power
to roll at me
It was like
the moment I saw you,
talked to you,
lights in a room
went on again
after being dark
for too long
I was able
to see again
Being with you again
made me realise
what I had left behind
I left me behind
It was like
wrapping up part
after part
of myself,
put them into boxes
and put them away
for everyone
not to fall over them
and be bothered by them
But now
I went into this room again
and now I can see
all that I put away
just to make others happy
and all that was left of me
was a shell
wrapped in all the expectations
which I should be
So I unwrapped myself
of all the useless requests
and heavy expectations
I was able to breathe again
after years
And I unwrapped the boxes
and put the parts back in,
part by part,
to build myself up againYou hit me the hardest
but you set my soul free
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